بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي الاستشارية في العراق
A visit to Babylon highlights EUAM Iraq’s work on Cultural Heritage Protection

EUAM Iraq’s Head of Mission ad interim Ms. Anne Meskanen met the Head of Babylon Heritage and Antiquities Protection Police Jur Major General Amjad Nouri Al Awadi. The working meeting was held within the Mission mandate's intent of promoting provincial-level engagement and improving federal level information-gathering in the context of cultural heritage protection.


Ms. Anne Meskanen shared information about EUAM Iraq’s efforts in providing strategic advice in the field of protection of cultural heritage, due to its critical link to the Iraqi national security. She also underlined that safeguarding cultural goods is not simply a cultural urgency, but essential for any strategy of peace, security resilience and social reconciliation.  


EUAM Iraq, being the only European Union civilian crisis management mission tasked with the protection of cultural heritage, currently supports the implementation of a national IT system that will help the Iraqi police and national law enforcement agencies to investigate culturally-related crimes, hinder international illicit trafficking, disrupt one of the most profitable funding sources for criminal or terrorist organisations, and eventually recover stolen goods.  


Jur Major General Amjad Nouri Al Awadi warmly welcomed the visit, presenting the department's organisation and describing its profound commitment in securing archaeological sites under his area of competence,  in close cooperation with the officials of the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage.


After the meeting, Ms. Anne Meskanen, along with Silvio Mele, EUAM Iraq’s Senior Strategical Adviser on Cultural Heritage Protection, were invited to visit the Babylon Archaeological site and Museum.  



Dr. Ahmed A. Selmanand, archeologist of the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage, and Mr. Mohammed Tahir, Director of the Babylon Museum, led the delegation on a journey back in time throughout the astonishing remains of the ancient capital of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, its hanging gardens having once been one of the seven wonders of the world. The UNESCO-protected site is one of the oldest settlements in Mesopotamia and the Middle East, bearing testimony to the rich and profound cultural heritage of the country.



READ MORE on EUAM Iraq’s work on Cultural Heritage Protection:





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