دەستەی ڕاویژکاری یەکێتی ئەوروپا لە عێراق
Female Iraqi police officers benefitted from a training on counter-terrorism investigating techniques

EUAM Iraq, the EU delegation in Iraq and the EU Service for Foreign Policy Instruments joined forces to offer a three-day training to 23 female police officers of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior on 18-20 October.


The training on Counter-terrorism Special Investigation Techniques had been called to life and was facilitated by the Brussels-based Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI 1) and its programme CT JUST.  The programme is one of the EU’s tools to address the complex nature of terrorist threats that require an effective approach to prevent, detect and investigate terrorist cases.

Giving an overview on counter-terrorism investigating techniques - working on a case study

Ms Maria Sanchez Gil-Cepeda, Programme Manager at the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, managing counter-terrorism related projects, stated:

-We are happy that the first activity of CT JUST responds to an Iraqi request for the reinforcement of the capacities of women. The gender dimension must be taken into consideration to generate more inclusive and thus more effective initiatives and reshape the narrative on counter-terrorism.

FPI / CT JUST as well as Spanish Policia Nacional, Italian carabinieri police and French experts, facilitators of the training  

In her opening address to launch the three-day training, Ms Agne Gleveckaite, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the EU Delegation in Iraq, referred to research about the benefits of mixed teams.

-Reflecting on the ways to promote the role of women in counterterrorism must start by understanding the added value brought about by this endeavour. Extensive literature demonstrates that “including more women in the police, justice and military systems at national and international level is instrumental in improving the operational efficiency of these bodies”.


In his opening words EUAM Iraq’s Head of Mission Mr Anders Wiberg also underlined the role of women in the work against counter-terrorism and wished the participants an excellent operational outcome – which is the long-term aim of the workshop.

-Being able to effectively tackle the issue, investigate it, prevent it, requires having well-trained capable women on our side within the police, within the security forces and beyond – in strategic positions.


EUAM Iraq's Head of Mission Anders Wiberg and Major General Ziad Taha Ali giving their opening remarks

EUAM Iraq contributed to the FPI-led training by offering a presentation on special operations involving special investigations techniques based on experiences in the Swedish police as well as facilitating a roundtable discussion.

This was the first activity of the CT JUST programme – funded by the EU in support of criminal justice responses to terrorism – that mobilises EU expertise. In this training, experts from the Spanish Policia Nacional and the Italian Carabinieri police forces as well as French technicians shared their practical experiences and know-how with the participants.


Female police officers benefitted from learning about different aspects of special investigation techniques - electronic surveillance, interrogations, cyber intelligence etc. -based on best practices from Europe and the MENA region. The training also provided a space for fruitful discussions on how to adapt the training content to the local context.


The 23 participants, female officers investigating counter-terrorism at different directorates and departments of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, appreciated mostly the exchange of information, the numerous case studies explored as well as the discussions and work in groups. Isra Sabah, 1st Lieutenant and Doctor of Law commented the training experience as follows:

 - The real experiences that the experts shared with us are very important. Although we have similar techniques that we use in our investigations, including new methods of criminal investigations, they add to our knowledge, which is very important in our work. We will apply what we learned on the ground and would like to have more workshops in this regard. 


EUAM Iraq, EUDEL, CT JUST and Female police officers during the training session 

The event was an expression/example of the so-called European Union integrated approach for Security and Peace - the combining of different EU instruments - such as the synergies offered by FPI/CT JUST, the EU Delegation in Iraq and EUAM Iraq in this case – in order to support efforts towards peace and stability.


The training was held at the Ministry of Interior Training and Qualifications Directorate building in Baghdad with the generous assistance and partnership with Major General Ziad Taha Ali, head of the Directorate.

ئەم بۆستە شێر بکە: (هاوبەشکردنی ئەم بابەتە)
پەیوەندی بەکۆمەڵگاکەمانەوە بکە
ئەم بۆبسایتە کۆکیز بەکاردێنێت بۆ پێشکەشکردنی ئەزموونێکی باشتری گەڕان. زیاتر بدۆزەرەوە لەسەر چۆن کووکیز بەکاردێنین.