بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي الاستشارية في العراق
EUAM Iraq and Ministry of Interior Joint Governance and Performance Management Workshop Focus on Enhancing Institutional and Organisational Effectiveness

EUAM Iraq, in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior's (MoI) Director General, Planning and Follow Up Directorate (PFUD), organised a five-day ( from 2 July 2023 to 6 July 2023) workshop titled "Joint Governance and Performance Management". 

EUAM Iraq Senior Strategic Advisors Strategy, Planning, Policy, and Institutional Reform facilitated a five-day strategic development workshop aimed at enhancing institutional, organisational effectiveness and governance with a specific focus on performance management, normative statistical standards, ethics and principles, data analytics, oversight and institutional integrity

The workshop also identified significant organisational learning and effective practice. It also highlighted how and in what ways the effective employment of empirical data analytics and systems can be exploited to inform strategic and operational decision making, enhance performance management, assure delivery of policy objectives, and support the strategic re-orientation of the Ministry. 

The workshop was attended by 26 participants, drawn from across key functional areas and Governorates,  extolled the benefits of the event in equipping them and ultimately the Ministry with enhanced competencies and capabilities. 

The workshop was instrumental in contributing towards the realisation of  strategic objectives and sustainable outcomes including establishing critical linkages to multi-annual strategic deliverables. 

The use of analytics, including opportunities to embrace predictive and prognostic dimensions to inform strategic insight and foresight as well as operational decision making stimulated considerable interest given its potential to revolutionise existing practice and qualitatively enhance performance and accountability. Significantly, the event was jointly conceived, designed and delivered to meet the institutional, business, and operational requirements of the Ministry and to enhance capabilities to support the continued evolution and long-term strategic development of a more accountable, effective, efficient and resilient Ministry

 BG Saad Mohsen, Deputy Director General, Planning and Follow Up Directorate, Ministry of Interior commented the cooperation as follows: 

“This joint event was instrumental in enhancing the Ministry’s corporate approach in how it records, collates, processes and analyses data and crucially how it is employed to inform policy and strategic decision-making. This is crucial to enabling organisational development and the Ministry’s effectiveness in delivering positive outcomes based on effective performance management. We are acutely aware of the need to enhance capabilities in this domain to support the Ministry’s strategic transformation and our commitment to increased transparency, accountability, and oversight. This remains a priority for the Minister of Interior. This was also reflected by the focus on integrity, ethical behaviour, and good governance. Exploiting the opportunities data analytics presents is also key to enhancing business intelligence and the overall performance of the Ministry in ensuing we remain focused on our core Mission of serving the people of Iraq.  I want to acknowledge the partnership which the Ministry and EUAM Iraq has forged in delivering support in an area which constitutes a key policy objective. This event was emblematic of the strength of the relationship the Ministry has with the Mission. Following our own evaluation, the feedback received from all participants has been overwhelmingly positive. I am convinced that this investment in capabilities and institutional resilience will endure and ultimately contribute to the Ministry’s long-term vision, ambition, and strategic development. Now I would like to see us build on this platform and develop sustainable solutions”.


John Mulcahy, EUAM Iraq’s Senior Strategic Adviser on Institutional Reform and Strategy facilitating the workshop commented:

"EUAM Iraq is proud to be working in partnership with the Ministry to explore further opportunities to build capacity and develop capabilities to assure institutional resilience. This approach has continued to actively ensure that the Mission engagement embraces the conceptual principles of and is characterised by national ownership to promote and reinforce institutional resilience."

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