بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي الاستشارية في العراق
Basra: 39 MoI strategic planners participated in a workshop facilitated by MoI and EUAM Iraq

From 17 to 21 July 2022, EUAM Iraq and the Ministry of Interior (MoI) delivered a five-day Strategic Planning Capacity Building workshop in Basra, southern Iraq. This was the third event in a series of similar workshops held throughout several governorates. 

With the participation of 39 MoI strategic planners including high-ranking officers drawn from key southern governorates including Basra, Dhi Qar, Maysan, Karbala, Najaf, and Nineveh as well as 10 Ministry facilitators, the workshop constituted a significant milestone in the capacity building efforts developed by the Mission in southern Iraq since its inception in 2017. This reflected both the key importance of strategic planning interventions as well as the symbolic significance of Basra.  

The Strategic Planning Capacity Building workshop gathered 39 MoI strategic planners in Basra, including general officers from key southern governorates including Basra, Dhi Qar, Maysan, Karbala, Najaf and Nineveh

Meaningful engagement with interlocutors at governorates and sub-national levels is an integral and crucial dimension of the effective implementation of EUAM Iraq’s strategic advisory mandate. The workshop was jointly designed and developed with the Ministry of Interior to enhance the institution’s capacity and organisational development at both central and pan Iraqi level.

Ten MoI Strategic Planning facilitators were interacting with participants throughout the week-long workshop

A range of modalities were utilised during the workshop including lectures, syndicate work, reflection and assessment to maximise institutional learning and contribute to sustainable outcomes. The highly instructive event was characterised by a significant level of engagement and interaction throughout its duration.

Several MoI general officers from Baghdad and Basra participated at the workshop including during the closure ceremony

The Ministry of Interior’s Director General for Planning, Major General Faris, expressed his gratitude during the closing ceremony held on 21 July: “The strategic planning agenda is of critical importance to the Ministry of Interior and to the evolution of the service we provide to the Iraqi people. Having such an event in Basra is not only of strategic importance in developing functional capabilities, it also sends a strong signal of commitment. I wish to thank EUAM Iraq for its continuing support in working with us to facilitate this joint venture which continues to enhance vital planning capabilities and long-term sustainability. The support of EUAM Iraq is critical and I value it immensely.”

Brigadier General Saad, Lead Ministry of Interior Programme Manager for the Strategic Planning Capacity Building Programme, commented: “I want to again acknowledge the formidable partnership which the MoI and EUAM Iraq have forged in delivering on what is a key policy objective. This event was emblematic of the relationship the Ministry has with the Mission. The feedback I have received from all participants has been overwhelmingly positive.”

Brigadier General Mustapha, Head of Strategic Planning for the Ministry of Interior in Basra Governorate, and a lead facilitator, stated: “The workshop has identified a number of important issues which we will take forward and strengthened our resolve to continue our efforts to develop the institutional planning framework to ensure the process is more effective and leads to both tangible and sustainable outcomes which enhance organisational effectiveness and ultimately the service we provide to our communities.”

Attendance reflected a broad spectrum of Basra Governorate level institutional actors ranging from the Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency, Civil Defence, Border Forces Command to the Traffic Directorate

Among the 39 attendees, one female strategic planner participated at the five-day workshop

Mrs. Fatima, a strategic planner from the Civil Defence Directorate in Basra, was delighted about the event: “This experience has been very valuable, both in terms of the subject and being able to learn together with our colleagues and share effective practice from across neighbouring Governorates. As well as the learning experience, we have established a key network among participants and enhanced understanding of the strategic planning process at federal level and our role in contributing to this. It is clear it is very much a two-way process.”

Strategic Planning workshop in Basra: Ministry of Interior participants and EUAM Iraq facilitators from the Mission’s Security Sector Reform component

“It is evident that the MoI is committed to delivering on an ambitious change agenda and this programme contributes to providing the means and capabilities to focus on strategy delivery and continued organisational development,” underlined EUAM Iraq’s Senior Strategic Advisor Phillip Haynes

His colleague, Senior Strategic Advisor John Mulcahy, was enthusiastic as well: “The level of interaction was impressive. Participants were highly engaged and attentive throughout the event, reflecting strong and a desire to develop innate capabilities. Our role is to facilitate, enable and ensure what we are doing is fundamentally nationally led. This event was demonstrative of precisely that objective. This is important for sustainability, institutionalising outcomes and supporting national delivery. 

Building critical planning capacity was a key objective of this event centred on the modalities for the implementation of the current MoI multi-annual five-year plan, together with the development of the new 2023 subsidiary Annual Plan. Further issues addressed included strategic risk analysis and management, horizon scanning, strategic foresight, resourcing, fiscal and budgetary dimensions of planning and implementation along with integrity, human rights and gender, accountability and results orientation.  

A focus on governance arrangements to enable the process of an effective strategic planning cycle will ultimately assure a more systematic approach to planning and performance management and contribute to the realisation of ministerial strategic objectives. 

Read more about previous Strategic Planning workshops: 

EUAM Iraq and MoI held an ambitious Strategic Planning and Implementation Workshop (February 28 – March 3 2022, Baghdad)

Strategic Planning Workshop in Erbil ends with closing ceremony (September 2022, Erbil)


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